Ever wonder how I get the cards I have? This article is all about getting cards cheap. Bargain Magic Just about everyone who plays Magic wants to have the best cards around. Ever go shopping around the Web or local stores for a Black Lotus or something like that, only to find that you can't afford anything that's being sold? It happens to all of us. I have tried everything possible to get around this, and what I've found should help just about everybody. First of all, there are some tricks that can help at both auctions and stores, online or off. If you're a "casual" gamer who could care less about tournaments and the condition of your cards, this will really help you. Always check to see if an older or newer version of a card is cheaper than other versions, because most people forget that they're all the same card. Example 1: Birds of Paradise from 7th Edition is selling for more than the one from 4th edition, even though they're the same card. (As long as a card from an older set is the same as one that's legal in a tournament with card set restrictions like Type II, you can still use it.) I can use either one in a tournament-yeah, I think I'll get the 4th Edition version. Example 2: That Black Lotus from Unlimited is a lot cheaper than the one from Beta. They're the same card, so unless you're looking for the Beta version, you're better off with Unlimited. Also look at the condition of the card. The worse the condition, the cheaper the card. My theory on this: If I can still tell what it does, and I can cover any marks on it with a Deck Protector, it's worth it. It's possible to get some great cards for much lower prices than normal this way. The big one to consider is whether your local stores know what's really in their commons box. Most of these cards are $1.00 or less, and at least one of them is usually worth much more. I once bought a Maze of Ith-the only card from The Dark ever restricted, and easily worth a good $6.00 or higher-for $0.50 doing this! I also found a Serpent Generator from Legends, which is at least $8.00, that I bought for $1.00. Just be cautioned -well-known cards such as Black Lotus will probably never end up in the commons box. If you're online looking for cards, it doesn't hurt to have a good way to compare prices on condition and cards. www.blackborder.com has a price guide that not only gives you good prices, but also shows you the 3 lowest prices on a card, as well as which websites are selling the card for those 3 lowest prices. Other websites, such as TrollandToad.com, sell the popular cards in almost every condition possible. Finally, look for obscure versions of the card you're after, as well as "remakes" that are almost as good, if not better. Black Lotus may be high-priced, but can be had for a fraction of the cost in Magic: Collector's Edition (a non-tournament legal version of Beta with square corners). Juzam Djinn costs well over $150, so why not just buy the equally good (if not better) Phyrexian Scuta for $9.00? You can save even more money in the process. Check back with this website often-I'll be writing about strategies, combos, decks, and more ways to get some sweet deals in a while. Until then, I need to go peddling the website to links databases and such. Spread the word about us!